Best flight sim on the consoles.

User Rating: 9 | Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies PS2
I have followed this series for the last 6 or 7 years back to PS1. I just love the way this game feels. Some things are unrealistic but would it be any fun flying a jet with 4 missles? There is a huge plane selection to chose from andmultiple weapons depending on the plane you use. The homing dog fight missles are the best. I call them the fire it and forget it missles. You can only carry 16 of them though so you can't just fire them off like mad. One thing that was a little disappointing was the unlimited fuel. Unlimited fuel makes you lazy. In Ace Combat 2 the fuel made you get the core of that mission complete and then take out anything else. I think the story line is a little lame but who cares just give me my misson so I can go kick some butt. I found a lot of replay value in this that I enjoyed doing the missions over and over. After completeing the game you unlock more difficulty settings.