And away go fighter jets...down the drain.

User Rating: 7.5 | A-Jax ARC
Ajax. What a terrible name for a top-down scrolling shoot-em-up game. It's as if the designers needed a name at the last minute but had nothing. Fortunately, their was some drain clogging solution on their desk to inspire a label. AJAX! The cleaning solution of the skies!

Name aside, this game is really a lot of fun. I mean, it doesn't do anything too innovative...but who cares. You play as either a cool, high tech helicopter, or a cool, sleek jet. You fight your way through the skies fighting all manner of deadly machines. You fight, jets, helicopters, anti aircraft guns, tanks, battleships, missles, and some quasi-futuristic machines that have big glowing eye thingies that scream "shoot me to blow me up!"

The gameplay has been seen and done a million times. 1942 and it's subsequent sequels were obviously a factor in designing the game. But this game adds some new stuff to make it feel fresh. Obviously the high techness of things helps, but there are some interesting levels that make it feel different as well. For example, there is a level that feels almost 3-D as you fly forwards, from the sky....straight down to a battleship...shooting your way through jets and missles. You don't side fly DOWN. Through clouds until you reach the ship and the ocean. I know, I know. You kids are saying. "Who cares? We see that everyday! We are desensitized to anything fun or cool! I hate my father and listen to emo!" But when this game came out in 1987, it was actually a pretty new thing. And it added a whole level of immersion not really seen much before.

The graphics are pretty interesting and detailed. And they still look pretty good. The colors are nice and there are plenty of "glowing" things to let you know right where to shoot...or give you a seizure...if you're one of those people.

Of course you'll be shooting down red planes and helicopters to gain powerups (another rip off of 1942). And of course you'll be fighting "bosses" at the end of each stage. And of course you'll be cursing and screaming and regretting the day you were born because it's insanely difficult. Sometimes the screen is just flooded with enemies and bullets and death...and you won't be able to escape...just accept death when it comes at you...that's a good rule for games and life....yes I'm talking to you mr. over 30 years old.

So check out the game. It's essentially a suped up 1942, but despite it's unoriginal content, it's still a great play. Plus you can use it if your sink clogs. BONUS!