A lewd, rude, frequently amusing premise married to a shaky, buggy game engine.

User Rating: 6.5 | 7 Sins PC
7 SIns is not the sort of game most gamers will line up to play. In fact, a lot of people may write it off as another bad clone with 'racy' content, to appeal to no-one other than filthy perverts who spend too much time watching pornography and reading dirty books. In some respects they're probably right, but there is a half-decent plot behind the game that makes it more than just a joystick-operated sexfest.

The premise of the game is to combine the more inventive ideas of The Sims, Leisure Suit Larry and Grand Theft Auto at it's most decadent with a point-and-click approach not far removed from classic 'point-and-click' adventures like Monkey Island or Grim Fandango. Thus your basic gameplay mechanic involves strolling around the game rooms, talking and sometimes attracting non player characters in order to get your character to the top of the food chain. This is done with conversations and a host of minigames, which are often played to allow your character - a slick, muscled modern day Casanova - to left off steam when he gets angry, stressed or horny.

The plot is to become a kingpin in the fictional town of Apple City, which to be fair isn't an appropriate name as it doesn't resemble New York at all. You start off as a lowly sales assistant in SUKS, a department store for the rich and bored women of the town. You must persuade them to like you, to spend money on you and eventually love you. Of course, your character being a charmer this is done by pretending to be interested in whatever 'sensitivities' they have, and faking your way into their affections in order to climb the social ladder in a variety of clubs, restaurants and other jobs. All the while you must keep your character in a good mood and make sure he doesn't indulge in too many of the seven biblical sins for which the game is titled.

The first few levels of the game are great fun. While schmoozing your way into the affections of various, amusingly big busted women, you have to laugh at the dialogue and character descriptions which were obviously written for laughs to poke fun at the dating game. After learning what a female (or in some cases male, straight and otherwise) likes it's up to you to show them a good time in the venue, often culmanating into a steamy session back at your apartment, with amusing minigames to simulate sex, drinking and other acts of hedonism and debauchery. This is one game you should keep away from the kids. After completing all the goals of a specific level 100%, you can choose to tie up loose ends or move straight along to the next level. There aren't too many and you can complete the game in about a dozen hours, unless you have problems with the game engine (this reviewer did).

I found that although the game was amusing and mostly immersed me in the seedy Apple City world (pun intended), there were some problems with the game engine that often set the gameplay back by several minutes. In later levels it is crucial that you don't put a foot wrong with the people you manipulate, however when you select an option that advances a relationship up by one of six levels (the top one being passionate) and for some unknown reason the game decides to throw a drink in the persons face, you have to start all over again with them, using the same dialogue. This is very frustrating, so it is HIGHLY recommended you save often. I wish the game had a 'quicksave' option to speed the process up, as the glitches that happen can be very trying.

Also, despite having a pretty modern PC, I found that the animation was often jerky, even at lower resolutions. As I've seen the PS2 version in action minus this fault I must assume that the PC conversion (and it is a conversion as some of the minigames from the console are missing) is at fault. It mostly occurs when your character is strolling around. (Another technical note, on a GeForce 7100 card I noticed that if you launch the game in a different resolution from your desktop, the game automatically forces your graphics card to the maximum refresh rate of whatever resolution it is run in, which your monitor may not support. If the game is run at the same resolution as your desktop, it will retain the same refresh rate.)

These engine faults do not occur during cutscenes, which is the only time real voice acting is used. Like the plot of the game it's extraordinarily cheesy, probably a deliberate choice. In-game the characters speak in noises exactly like those of The Sims which I found very humourous - various mumbles or ooohs and aaahs.

In conclusion, although the game offers a salacious and often hilarious look at the dating game the quality often suffers. Some of the minigames are addictive in a similar way to the more recent WarioWare: Smooth Moves on the Wii; in fact the artwork in a couple looks identical to that game, but some are badly thought out or plain bad taste. Also, the game's unpredictible nature of choosing to do something you didn't tell in to in conversation is extremely irritating. I probably would have awarded the game 7.8/10 if it didn't have such flaws, but as it stands, I would recommend playing through this once, saving every few minutes, then doing away with it. It's a good laugh but with flaws like these has very little replay value. And who would want to recommend such a game to their friends? Very few I'd wager.