One sick game for a free download

User Rating: 8 | 5 Days a Stranger PC
I had seen this game around before and thought it looked decent, so a couple of weeks ago I downloaded it for the heck of it. That was one worth it download. Turned out to be the best short adventure game I had played. It's about a dude named Trilby who steals from empty houses, butthis one time he go trapped inside. Then, something inside just didn't feel right, and there was no way out. soon you discover that one of the people has been killed and thrown to the bottom of the pool. Then, you all get really freaked out, and you try to get to the bottom of it. Eventually, this lead to another death (I'm just trying to not spoil too much) and even more freaking out. After, you discover that there was a spirit that is killing everyone, and you have to kill it, which eventually leads to the house being burned down.

If anyone is looking to download this amazing game for its price of $0.00, check out There is a spoiler free guide and a download link on the site. Try it.