6.8? no way....maybe a 3.2 maybe.

User Rating: 5 | 300: March to Glory PSP
too over rated if you ask me. rented it...played it for 30 minutes...to just give it time to sink in...but mostly i judge the game within 5-10 minutes of gameplay then i'll know if it's a keeper. but di that...i even gave it 30 minutes so just it can sink in more...but in actuality it just sunk way below my expectations for a really cool movie....although i can say that the psp cant really display awesome graphics to begin with...(at the time...now..there are a few games cropping up that really blows my mind on how they made it run on the psp). okay back to the review....really stinks. within 5 minutes i was yawning. the constant flooding of enemies that look like men in diapers...and just constantly getting smacked up by youre main character (leonidas)...really boring....plus..they made it play like youre the only hero in the game...but it's 300 for crying out loud. they even added up character customization to leonidas in which you can change the look of your character...efficiency...but it's just lame...youre stuck with one character and almost has the same moves for all throughout the game....

cant really express how lame it is and how int he world did it get a 6+ rating...even the graphics aint that good.the sound...boring....controls...keep pummeling the action buttons and youll survive...story...it should have one right?