fun game when you have a bit of time to kill

User Rating: 7.6 | 300: March to Glory PSP
this game could have been great, it has a great historical myth behind it, and a fast paced action packed movie to boot, i was expecting a game like shadow of Rome for PS2 with its beat'em up style of play but what i got was a water down version of something else. don't get me wrong the game is pritty when you got 10 minuets here and there but not really a game that i could get into for long peiroids of time. the fighting style is good as are the graphics with all things considerd for the psp. i guess i was simply expecting more, hoping that the movie hype and game hype would equal the same quality product but to bad its not the case.
i will probably still pay it from time to time as it is a good stress reliever form work.