If u like bloody surroundings... then, just buy it!

User Rating: 7 | 300: March to Glory PSP
Ok, the game itself is not the best game out there, but it has a couple of good qualities. Sometimes it may get repetitive, but (at least in my case) just to know what's coming up, u'll keep playin' it. The upgrades are few, but each time u get a new this or that, u'll feel like a kid with a new toy (I did)... especially each time I got a new sword. I played this game while I was on vacations on a cruise ship, and also at a friends car, the game just, like... make's u feel part of the Spartan Army. Again, its not the best, there are a 1000 games I'd rather play than this one, but that's becuz I like a lot of games, not cuz this one sucks -completly- Anyway, the game is pretty entertaining, I personally recommend it as one of the good games on the PSP (not as one of the best... but one of the good). Thanks for reading my review... take care!