Average but very playable 2D platformer.

User Rating: 6 | 3 Ninjas Kick Back SNES
"3 Ninjas Kick Back" is a 2D platformer based on the awful movie of the same name. Luckily the game is better than the film was. That's not saying much though. The game is pretty average in all areas concerned. You can control any of the 3 Ninjas: Rocky, Colt or Tum Tum. It all amounts to the same thing however, as the only differences are the weapons you use (and thats just a graphical difference I think). The story loosely follows the film in that the 3 Ninjas have to help their Grandfather defeat an enemy from his past who desires a dagger in said Grandfather's possession. The graphics are average for a game released at that time. Not amazing, but not painful to look at either. The sound involves many swooshes and clinks as you wave your weapons around and avoid various traps and defeat enemies. The music has a very Japanese clichéd feel around it, but it serves its purpose fine. The controls are simple, you can jump, use your weapon, and use various special weapons you pick up along the way to clear the way of enemies faster. As the game advances to later stages the difficulty doesn't increase accordingly and you find it's quite an easy game. It also gets a little repetitive, but not so much that you find yourself dragging through it. Worth playing, pick it up if you see it cheap on ebay, in a bargain bin or somewhere similar.

Graphics - Standard graphics at the time
Sound - Acceptable
Gameplay - Simple and easy
Lastability - Play through it once, then sell it or keep it for a few years.