You'll most likely find this game in the New Mexico landfills with Atari 2600's E.T.

User Rating: 4.1 | 3 Ninjas Kick Back SNES
What the hell are ninjas doing kicking back? I thought they're supposed to be sneaking around assassinating people from the shadows, throwing shooting stars in pirate's eyes and such. But nope, this game allows you to choose between three six year old kids as they go on a quest to become the ultimate ninja, which basically just means running away from lots of rocks and swinging on vines, just like I'm sure all the real ninjas do.

And god, when you choose which kid you want to be it makes this annoying little sound of them talking, which sounds like someone has some salad tongs tightly clenching one of their balls. The actual game is nothing special either, just running around grassy fields collecting flying orbs and fighting old men that teleport out of nowhere. The sound effects are embarrassingly horrible, and I can't even remember if there was music. If there was it must've sucked pretty bad because I don't recall it all. At least they tried to add some variety, like in level three you have to destroy eight dummies so a gate will open. Yeah, pretty nice, huh? You don't get many games like that anymore. Unfortunately, the game just outright sucks, so don't bother.