24 the game has a great storyline but the gameplay is just not enough to back it up

User Rating: 7.5 | 24: The Game PS2
If you are a fan of the show 24, then you probably know how an entire season goes down in one 24 hour timeperiod. In the course of that day, an intense and dramatic storyline keep the watcher on the edge of his/her seat. 24 the game has a storyline that one would expect from 24, and it has plenty of suprises. You might think,if the story is so good then the game must be pretty good. Well...I guess it depends on how much you enjoy the show to judge this game. But in all truth, the gameplay is very straitforward, the control is a bit clunky and the graphics are only OK. All the storyline happens through scenes, so all you do in the game is either drive or shoot people, which can get a little dull at times.

If you are a 24 fan as I am, I would suggest you should check it out, as it fills in missing storyline from the seasons. If you are not a 24 fan, then I would think twice before picking it up.