24-The Game. Guns, Guts and Kim Bauer getting kidnapped. Just like the real 24!

User Rating: 7.3 | 24: The Game PS2
24 The Game was pretty much to be expected, with the screaming success of the TV show. However, the game falls a little short. The gameplay mechanics don't make this game flow, and the minigames are kinda stupid; either they're ludicrously easy, or you end up in a button mashing frenzy then pitching your controller at the tube.

Sound wise, the actors have managed to give their likenesses all of the dialogue delivery you'd expect, but the actual scripting itself is weak. Christian Kane sounds pretty menacing as Madsen, but the plot really is thte size of an inner-city allotment.

The gameplay itself is something of a dichotomy, too; the controls are almost ridiculously forgiving, as if designed for 5 year olds, but it's an adult topic game.

My opinion (and hey, if you're reading this, then you must be mildly curious as to what it is) is to rent this game, see if it gets your attention; fans of the series will love it, and pick it up if you can find it in a bargain bin somwhere, but give serious thought to paying full price for what is, essentially, half a game.