Jack Bauer is brought to the console in a decent game.

User Rating: 7.2 | 24: The Game PS2
So as far as the story goes, the game takes place between Season 2 and 3. The story is pretty good although by the end it doesn't answer all your questions as you hoped it would. Many of the characters of the show make brief appearances and some plots such as how Chloe was hired to CTU and the romantic involvement between Michelle and Tony are never really fully explained, but it does fill in a few gaps. The gameplay is pretty uninspired, there are a lot of missions where you just go and kill terrorists or you drive and escape terrorists/police on the road or trying to get to a place in a certain amount of time. The camera can be a pain to deal and the controls are not that fluid. The puzzles are unbelievably simple and probably the best part is the minigame where Jack interrogates suspects, which is still okay at best though and not nearly as intense as on the show.

The graphics aren't that great to look at although the character models are done well. A lot of of textures of the environment are pretty bland.

The sound and music is the best thing about the game as it has all the voice actors/actresses from the show who act just like they do on the show including yours truly, Kiefer Sutherland as Jack Bauer. Sean Callery who does the music for the show also lent his talent making new and familiar themes just for the game. The sound effects are the weakest part of the sound though as they sound very generic.

As far as the replayabilty of the game goes, you can go back and unlock character models that you look at (yea I know, not very exciting), but other than that unless you're really a die hard fan of 24 I can't see anyone going through the single player more than once.

Overall I would say unless you're truly a die-hard fan of 24 I would just rent it or at the very least buy it at a real cheap price. The game does well on bring the show to life, but it's still not as great as the actual show.