The following takes place between the hours playing "24: The Game"

User Rating: 5.5 | 24: The Game PS2
“24: The Game” is not a complete mess but its close. You can see some effort was made, that the developer tried to make the game “feel” like the TV show and in that aspect, they succeeded. However the other elements all fail miserably. The game is far too ambitious. There’s a variety of gameplay, which goes from driving missions, to stealth and of course, shoot’em up. The driving is an absolute nightmare. Those missions represent some of the most frustrating time I’ve spent gaming in my life. It’s that bad. The stealth is quite simply boring. The shooting, the majority of the game, suffers from bad camera and lousy aiming. The AI goes from average to really bad. There are also some mini-games, consisting of “hacking” and interrogating prisoners that turn dull really fast. The voice acting however is very good; one of the few redeeming factors in the whole game. All the actors play their characters just like in the show. The story also mimics the style of “24” but is far too confusing. At the 12 hour mark I just lost touch with it. The game lets you play as most of the main characters, which is fun at first, until you notice you’ve hardly spent time as Jack Bauer. Who cares about doing stealth with Kim? Seriously? “24: The Game” is a game that will only appeal to the fans of the show, to cover the hiatus between season 2 and 3 and see what happened to Max and David Palmer. Stuff only true fans really care. The game itself is mediocre, frustrating, infuriating even. It tried to be so much and ended up being nothing.