CMON 24 Is a good game. Dont believe me read this and play the game, just because gamespot ranks it bad

User Rating: 8.8 | 24: The Game PS2
I think it is fairly good game, fairly what am i talking about. this game was good, it captures the 24 world more than ever. If you think just because the gameplay is a little slow this game sucks, your wrong. The shooting could be improved, if you dont like it then sell it, or hold on to it and never play it. But me i will play it. it is fun. I like being Jack, the kick ass cop that doesnt give up! If you want a go around shoot people and get killed by the cops every now and then, play Grand Theft Auto, personally I would. But if you like the 24 series. Get this game. But please try this game out first don't judge a book by its cover