Amazing show, Amazing game

User Rating: 9.7 | 24: The Game PS2
This game is a great adaptation of the best television series of all time. If you are a fan of the show you will love this game.

I am only a few hours into it and totally addicted, just like with the TV show. The game itself is really good even as a stand alone. You don't need to like the show or even know anything about it to like this game.

The graphics are pretty great. All of the characters look just like the actors and the game has all of the actors doing their own voices as well. The graphics can be a little clunky at times but its really not that noticeable and doesn't take away from the fun of the game. I really enjoy the graphics.

The controls are extremely easy to use. Targeting and locking on to enemies is very easy. It's also really easy to switch targets by holding L1 and flicking the right analog stick. Another good part about the fighting is that head shots are easy after some practice. Enemies will die quickly, even if you shoot them randomly in the chest.

The driving is a bit clunky as the cars do not move that fast or respond that well to the controls. However, driving usually consists of chasing someone, being chased or just having to get to a destination in time. The driving missions do not expect that much and therefore the clunkiness is not that big of a deal.

The mini-games are also quite fun. Interrogation, bomb defusal, repairing computer programs/drives, all serve a purpose in the story and are fun to do.

Beating levels by atleast 90% efficiency will unlock movies, images and characters. The images and characters are cool to look at at first but arent that big of a deal. The movies are entertaining as you get to see interviews with the cast.

I fully recommend this to anyone who is a fan of the show and/or action video games. It is very fun with a great storyline that will suck you right in.