It absolutely amazed me. I was expecting the made-for-movie stereotype, but no. Follows shows techniques amazingly. Buy.

User Rating: 9.1 | 24: The Game PS2
It absolutely amazed me. I was expecting the made-for-movie stereotype, but no. The gameplay is great, although so far my only critiques would be easiness of kills and some button schemes dont work as well as i would like. Turning is very fast as well. Although the games cutscenes are well-worth watching, and fans of the show will not be able to put this baby down. I havent gotten to the driving yet, but the bomb-defusing puzzle addition is quite intriguing and the overall feel of the game is great. This is definetly a must buy for fans of the show, and for others, its well worth a ponder into purchasing it as well, or at least renting it. Jack Bauer..... is god.