This is a 24 that is set beetwen second and third season.If you follow the series you must play this game

User Rating: 8.3 | 24: The Game PS2
Graphics: This game is from developers of Primal and Ghosthunter and this two games have a great graphics on ps2. This game is no different, it has excellent details of charakter faces(which are from real actors), environments, everything.

Sound: The sound is phenomenal.All of the actors lend their voices to the game-speech is superb, music is dircet from the TV series, dolby surround ...

Gameplay: This game have a different tipes of gameplay.
Driving-driving model is weird and when you get used to it you'll drive very good
Shooting-shooting mechanics are good but now and then camera can disturb you sometimes(when the enemy is behind you must tap the button to set the camera and then aim at him)
Mini games-like interrogating which is hard, defusing a bomb, hacking, ...

Value: Game isn't long 24 h, it's maybe 15-17 h long if you play it at normal difficulty