What a joke of a game disgraceful how it tries acting like the show its pathetic.

User Rating: 5 | 24: The Game PS2
24 The Game is a very great idea for the game but it fails to be anything like the show. Very bad controls only decent graphics and some what so so voice acting. Driving levels are a huge pain in the ass because you run out of time or the directional arrow points the wrong direction of where your going. The shooting is so annoying aiming is a bit annoying cross hair system is awful sometimes you miss so many shots and its annoying because you'll have guys alive who should be dead already. The story line is great but poorly done.
Earth Quakes in Los Angeles seems like a smart idea but falls flat on its face. They also have you picking locks and everything but this little mini game gets so tedious and the interrogations are plan frustrating. You could be doing the interrogations for hours and nothing will happen could be up all night and still not have anything go well. 24 The Game is a very pathetic show to game adaptation. Avoid at all costs i already blew 50 bucks on this thing what a huge waste of money save your money for Super Smash Brothers Brawl or w/e else your may want to get. This is a huge disappointment of a game by far the worst game Ive ever played in my life. This game is definitely just a rental nothing else aside from that.