In this game, real-time does not really get involved much!

User Rating: 7.2 | 24: The Game PS2
I just bought this game a couple days ago because I havn't played it yet. The game seems to go at a fast rate. I am a huge fan of the show, mainly because it's suspense and action involving in real-time. But the real-time part of it kind of disappoints me in this game. I mean I was playing it for about 3 hours and I just got up to hour 8 in the game. (if you know what I am saying because it's kind of hard to explain.) Other than that I want to talk about the positive side of the game. The best part about this game that it does feature most of all the major characters from the show onto the game. It has the same music theme to it. The graphics in the game is not bad. The game even does have that split-screen thingy, it even splits while your playing it, which is interesting. I wish that the game would have a difficulty setting. Because it doesn't. Overall I think this game is worth playing. If your a fan of the show!