Decent game, with many obvious flaws.

User Rating: 7 | 24: The Game PS2
24: The Game follows Jack Bauer and the Los Angeles Counter-Terrorist Unit (CTU) on a mission to prevent a widespread seismic attack (earthquake). The reasoning or motive behind the attack is unknown, but the game's mission is to stop it, in an unrealistically action-filled 24 hours.
Along the linear path of the game, Jack meets up with multiple allies whom of which, in battle, don't do much more than stand there and hope you lead them to cover.

When playing 24: The Game, the most questionable aspect of the game is that it only takes 5 or 6 hours to complete. Although the unlockables and bonus material add some re-playability to the game, it is an especially short and displeasing game.

The levels are all extremely linear, which isn't necessarily a bad thing, but each level is basically Jack going from point A to Point B, with sometimes a few extra objectives thrown in here and there. Without any spoilers, the game has an extremely displeasing and cliff-hangerish ending, which, again, isn't necessarily bad, but leaves you with a somewhat bitter taste in your mouth when finished.