Am I playing Fifa 2005 or it's my mistake? Never mind.

User Rating: 9 | 2010 FIFA World Cup South Africa PSP
I'm serious this game made me wonder about Fifa 2005 one of the best games of Fifa series.

Moving forward, 2010Fifa World Cup South Africa, is just a good, strong, solid normal game.

I haven't seen one soccer game of those in a while.

You have several game modes , including Manager and Guide Your Nation (I don't really know how it's called in the english version) which i'm going a little deeper:
Manager Mode is the only disapointement because we should be able to chose our players and not the ones they bring, Portugal choosen players are absolutly far from what we actually brought to the 2010 World Cup.
Guide Your Nation is just perfect, I mean is so much better than the one in Fifa 2010, I can't anythingh else, it's just perfect.

Onto to the basics:
The graphics are normal for a psp game.
The controls work just fine.
Honestly I can't find any bug.
The game play is good.
You can play it how much time you want and you never get bored

Now about the Sound/Music:
First of all thanks EA for making up EA Tracks and specially thanks for improving it. If you go to EA Tracks you will find out that you can acctually play your songs ( the ones in your psp music file) during the game and it acctually works, on Fifa 2010 you could only choose approxmatly your first three-four albuns. Then whenever you change game mode, or you save, or load your game, the song continues from where it stoped, somethingh that didn't happened in Fifa 2010 and it was pretty annoying.

By the way, finally the changes that you make on the menu, they are also made in previous saves from modes example: you make a new manager player and you save at 15H00, if you make a new formation at 15H30 and load the game you saved at 15H00 the formation is available for use.

Overall 2010 Fifa World Cup South Africa is much better than it's previous version Fifa 2010, and it turned out to be a pretty solid game. The only con is really the manager mode limited options.