Not at all worth playing. Terrible, stupid and dumb are exactly what I think of this game.

User Rating: 1.9 | 187 Ride or Die PS2
Do not buy this game. It is undercooked, boring and a waste of time and money. I was a bit iffy about Ubisoft at first, having played the terrible Rayman 3, but then I played King Kong. This relaxed me a bit, and so I thought, maybe it was only Rayman that was bad... WRONG!!! 187 Ride Or Die appealed to me at the start as I like driving games and shooting games also. Not a bad taste.

For once, the shooting is clean. Not so GTA like, there is no blood to spill. Damn. The driving controls are bad, dammit! There is nothing good about this game! I'd rather play the mediocre Driv3r than this mess. That's why I will trade it in to Electronics Boutique tomorrow.