Ths game starts out pretty but goes on ugly and ends up dead.

User Rating: 6.6 | 187 Ride or Die XBOX
Racing cars, the adrenaline pump. Shooting enemies, thrilling. Add the two of them up and you'll get a thrilling, adrenaline pumping game. If the game developer's name is Ubisoft, you'll get an awesome game. Let me introduce to you, 187 Ride or Die. Gameplay: It's fun at the begining but get extremely repetitive as you proceed.

Pretty lame for a game from Ubisoft. Jaggies..........holy....

Soundtrack is kinda nice sometimes but some of em, pointless

You're a gangster trying to fight for territories. The gangster slangs and so on feels like it's a forced thing, not natural at all.

Well, it could've been an awesome game but things just don't fit right. Rent it, don't buy it.