Disgusting... just disgusting.

User Rating: 3.8 | 187 Ride or Die PS2
187 ride or die is a silly game with no charisma or appeal. It's sloppy gameplay and very unintersting plot makes playing the game pointless. It forces the gangster style so hard down your throut that you feel like vomiting. It's lack of realism is also very distracting. While some might say burnout 3 is not realistic and it's a good game. True, but burnout 3 does something that 187 ride or die tries so hard to do and fails at , is establishing a sense of purpose. This game hardly has variety or any kind of factor that might draw you in to play more.

It might be a pretty game but is what's in the inside that counts and the inside is not pretty at all. Plus the profanity is just overbearing and just stupid. For a game that tries so hard to be like twisted metal and burnout, it turns out to be completly different... in a very bad way.
My recommendation is to stay clear of this waste of plastic CD and play the other better games mentioned above.