I don't see the point.....

User Rating: 2.8 | 187 Ride or Die PS2
What kind of stupid name is 187 Ride or Die? A better name is "187: Total Sales" or "Piece of Crap". How exciting is that a car drive and you shooting the other car. WOW! *cough*Twisted Metal Copy*cough*.

When did that idea suddenly become great? Oh yeah, I forgot, Twisted Metal.
But 187 Ride or Die made a Great Idea turn into the Stupidest Suggestion.
If one more developer does this type of game, I'm gonna go to the store and smash all the copies. Gamers don't derserve such a piece of crap.

Let's begin with, graphics. They look terrible, to say the least. The gameplay is repititive, and the cars look ugly as hell.

I want every person who rented, bought, or even borrowed this game from a friend to punch themselves, and chuck it into the dumpster.