If you liked the movie than there is a good chance you wanna check this game out!

User Rating: 7.8 | 007: Tomorrow Never Dies (Platinum) PS
Story: This game does probably the best job of all the other games based on 007 movies. I say this because it uses clips from the movie. (Goldeneye does not count when I say this. It wasnt made by EA). Graphics- The graphics look just like Syphon Filter, but in all fairness this game is about a month or two older than Syphon Filter. Sound- There is the 007 theme song and the movie cutscenes can be a little bit skippy with the sound. Control- Like the grpahics this game controls just like Syphon Filter, only a little bit better. Hey this one was here first. Multiplayer- This is a single player experience. Replay Value- You probably will play it agian because its better than Syphon Filter in many ways. I rated this before I reviewed it and I think its a lot better than before.