Tomorrow always dies in this game.

User Rating: 4.1 | 007: Tomorrow Never Dies (Platinum) PS
I always seem to ask myself. Why are there so many James Bond games and movies. All they do is repeat each other but have different people and bad guys in them. James Bond just isn't what it used to be anymore. Hence this game, "Tomorrow never dies." It's a pretty bad game but isn't the worst one out there. The FPS versions of James Bond are better than these 3rd person games. They are so many sound problems and glitches in this that will make you wanna pull your hair out. Well anyways, let's just start my review.

Gameplay: Gameplay is probably what this game has best to offer but still lacks lots of stylized action. The movies have more stylized action than the games and that makes the games look bad. Well what movie turned into a game is not bad anyways? Well all know they suck. But anyways, as I was saying, this game lacks lots of style as well as speed. The action speed to this game is so bad it makes the speed of E.T. on the Atari look so good. 007 games are supposed to be really fun or so I thought when watching the movies. They really need to work on their action and aiming better. I love to play a challenging game but this game is WAY too easy. The A.I can't aim for crap and it takes 50 misses from them just to finally hit you with one bullet. It's very hard to die in this game. But if you want a challenging game this may also be the one. Wanna know why? THE GLITCHES! The glitches will screw everything up and as well freeze the game. Sometimes when you equip a weapon it won't even be in his hand. It's as if he's shooting bullets from his hand. But yes, the glitches will give you some real fun if you want it. To be honest, how much more James Bond can they come up with. They might as well start making RTS 007 games just like Capcom did with Onimusha. There are just too many JB games and movies out there and it's just getting old. So I'd say just stick to the movies and play 007 Nightfire cause I think that's a hell of alot better than this game and much more fun.

Graphics: What can I say? This is a PS1 game but it could have done alot better in graphics. Like I said in the Gameplay review, there are a few glitches and that why I gave the graphics a low score. There are graphic glitches where the background compltely disappears into black sometimes. And sometimes the guns don't show when you equip them but I think all that is explained in the gameplay part except the fact that the drawing of the characters are pretty bad and looks nowhere like a JB character. But yeah, not much to say here.

Sound: The voice acting is probably the best in this part. The guns are practically annoying and don't sound like guns. I think it's bad enough with the glitches but the sound of some of the guns just suck. Don't believe me, play it yourself.

Value: *Sigh* Yes another $1 game from the bargain bin. If you want the full JB collection then buy it. But I think this game is way better that Spyro: A Hero's Tail and might deserve a replay.

Tilt: Like I said in the value, replaying this game might be in effect if you really enjoyed this game, but if you're a hardcore 007 Nightfire fan then stick to that rather than this and just pick this game up for collection purposes.
