Even on PS1 standards; Glitchy and Annoying.

User Rating: 4.6 | 007: Tomorrow Never Dies (Platinum) PS
Another James Bond game hits the consoles. The new one you see is "Tommorow Never Dies", and you decide to put it in your Playstation to play it. Right away, you load the game to the first level, and find yourself feeling the controls and movement of your character you are playing as (James Bond of course), is very unbalanced. With first person view-modes, this can sometimes happen, but this was rediculous. The backgrounds in this game were awful, the textures were sketchy and you moved to fast in retrospec to how much territory you cover. And that is judging on the Playstation 1 level. They could have done better. Gameplay/Graphics: This game does have, like other James Bond games, a good concept of Gameplay. Innovative missions and interesting concepts appear. But after awhile, everything gets repetitive in this game. The graphics, even by PS standard, were terrible and really pulled down the gameplay on this one. For some reason, this seemed to effect the actual controlling of the James Bond who you play as. He moved way to fast. I actually found myself walking through walls. Yes, walking through walls. The game was so glitchy when I played it, that it felt like everything was out of balance, and that you were not really in a real place. It is as if someone cut construction paper out, messily taped it together in random shapes after ripping it apart, and then was used as the levels to walk around in. It was to that point of awkward gameplay. Gameplay: 4/10 Graphics: 4/10 Music: What can I say? The music in this game was pretty good. However, one can expect that from the quality title of a James Bond game/movie. But one must understand that when playing the glitchy levels repeatedly, the must also begins to become repetitive. Which brings down the quality and variety of the music, as you have heard it so much. Music: 7/10 Rent or Buy? Well, definitely rent this one, if that. I doubt you will play it long enough to even consider buying it. I would skip this game entirely. My Rating: I absolutely could not stand this game. It had its moments, but overall it was so glitchy, which led to poor gameplay and graphics. My score: 4.5/10...Just because its Bond.