User Rating: 6.3 | 007: NightFire XBOX
What starts out as a lot of fun in the first two-thirds of the game, with it feeling like a fast-paced arcadey first person shooter (with some small driving and shooting), turns out in the last few levels to be a frustrating and hard to follow mess, and somewhat a letdown from the earlier levels. Most of the game is the traditional FPS style play, but some levels have you riding or driving in some vehicle, which I generally thought was ok, EXCEPT and this is a BIG exception, whoever designed the level where you pilot a submarine car around should be FIRED - what a crappy and frustratingly hard level that had no place in this game!!! I'm not kidding, this one level really ruined the whole feel of the game for me. This crappy submarine level goes along with my other main gripe of that this is yet another game for the Xbox that does not use the Xbox's hardrive to allow us to save whenever we want, so there is no in-level save, and while most levels have check-points, these checkpoints are sometimes too far apart, and also you can't you can't quit mid-level because it only permanently saves your progress in-between levels. So make sure you have up to 2 hours of playtime available on some levels before setting out, or you will be frustrated if you have to stop early and lose all your progress because they were too lazy to implement a proper save system. Also this is a really fast paced game, and you always feel like you are being pushed along, and I didn't always like that. I guess I like slower paced FPS (with save anywhere of course) that lets me think about what I'm doing, and not just be rushed from one scene to the next. The graphics were pretty good, and I have to say the 5.1 sound was excellent except for some of the voice-overs that were difficult to understand. In the end, I paid $15 for this game, and I think that's all it's worth. I like most FPS's, but there wasn't enough of that here to really give a good recommendation, and the drawbacks of the crappy submarine level and no in-level save really lowers the score from me.