An amazing ending to a great series...

User Rating: 10 | .hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Aruku Youna Hayasa de PS2
.Hack//G.U. vol.3//Redemption
The best of the series; a great ending, and one of the best rpg adventures i've played since Final Fantasy X. .Hack vol 3 brings all the best from the two previous volumes and puts them together and adds more, making this an instant classic on the Ps2.

---Note: This Review may contain spoilers. ---

Gameplay: 10/10
Some people say that the battle system gets repetitive and old, and that is true to an extent. Until you get Haseo's Xth form, making for some awesome combos. The boss battles against Kite, Orca, and Balmug are awsome and incredibly hard. All the extra content that is there after you beat the game, like the Forest of Pain event, two more unlockable characters, weapon upgrades, arena, and just getting to level 150 will take the player beyond the 30hours of normal gameplay.

Sound: 9/10
The only reason this section got a nine was because of the monster noises, they are pathetic; for example, when you are fighting the Cubia Genmora's, they sound retarded, Cubia itself just sounds like the rest of the boss monsters, which takes away from it's intimidation factor. Besides the bad monster noises, the music is this game is just fantastic, as it has been in the prevous volumes, Ovan's theme is by far my favorite song.

Graphics: 9/10
Once again, a nine, the graphics in the cut scenes are nice, and I do enjoy the anime-type style in the game, but I think they could have done something more. New monsters would have been nice too. Haseo's Xth form does look really cool thought.

Story: 11/10
The story in G.U. is just amazing. You get attached to characters like Atolie really fast. Basically, the story in G.U. incase you havn't played the first two (which you should or you will be completely lost) revolves around a PKK named Haseo, whose friend Shino has fallen into a coma after being PKed by a mysterious character named Tri-edge. When Haseo goes to confront Tri-edge in hope to bring Shino out of her coma, Haseo gets data drained by Tri-edge and falls from level 111 to level 1, back to when he first started the online game "The World". From there Haseo meets many new characters, and instead of trying to do everything on his own, slowly opens up and starts to relay on other for his strength.

Overall: 10/10
.hack G.U was a fun series, it deserves this ten; everything from the way the characters grew up, to the endless hours of level grinding so you can beat Kite, Orca, and Balmug, were such great fun. For replay value, it's true that you don't really get anything after beating the game (besides the Forest of Death event and some more extras), but if you are like me and have to do everything in a game before you say that you have beaten it, the .hack//G.U. series will take you quite a long time before you can lay it down to rest.