A great game, closing with a shiny golden key this magnificent .hack trilogy.

User Rating: 9.5 | .hack//G.U. Vol. 3: Aruku Youna Hayasa de PS2
No doubt about it, this is one of the best RPGs ever created. The story continues as exciting and creative as the 2 other games of this volume, concluding the story exactly as it should. However, don't think it just concludes what you have seen in the previous games, there a lot of new things, not only in the story, but also in the gameplay. The battles are even more difficult than before, because of the more intelligent enemies. after achieving the Xth Form, the game becomes even better, the dual guns are AWESOME. As for the graphics, they are a little better than in Reminisce, especially in the avatar battles and the awakenings (by the way, the new awakening, Avatar awakening, is really useful, when you evolve it well).

There are a couple things than i thought that could be better, however. For example, it was announced that the Azure Knights and Shino would join you, however, this only happens after finishing the game, and that should be different, because that's not when they're useful and the story could be even better if they came before.

As for Patty, you need to enter the Forest of Pain, which can only be done if you did the abyss quest. Which means if you didn't do it in the the Rebirth and want Patty in the party, you have to do it in Rebirth, and do the vol. 2 and 3 all over again. I think ther should have been some message that told that if you did that quest, you'd gain bonuses in the following games. Or they should at least let us do the quest in this game...

Aside from that, it's a must have, however, you should really play the the other volumes (even though i didn't play the original .hack games, i understood the story well and really liked it)