To view this game as at all good or interesting, you have to understand it first.

User Rating: 7.5 | .detuned PS3
This game is not for most people, it's for the type of people who like Linger in Shadows. It's more of an art piece, and this is an absolutely beautiful one, better even than Linger in Shadows. The best part of this 'game' (if we can even call it that), is the original video that does not allow for interaction. It is truly just a beautiful piece of art, but the experience does not stop there. There is an entirely interactive portion as well that allows for many intelligent and immersive interactions. You can add your own music and use several functions to alter the music and the picture. You can even set up a playlist and have the images in the background as a beautiful image. The worst part about this game is easily the controls. Nothing is intuitive, you have to guess and figure what each button does before it even shows up in the menu, but that's pretty much the only flaw I see in this well produced game.