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Gears of War 4's Cast Revealed, Includes Marcus Fenix's Son

The legacy lives on.


The cover for this month's Game Informer magazine provided a first look at the cast for the upcoming Microsoft shooter Gears of War 4. Set over two decades after Gears of War 3, the game will feature a new slate of characters, including the son of previous protagonist Marcus Fenix. Here's the GI cover image and a few details about the actor's portraying each role.

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  • JD Fenix (middle): The son of Marcus Fenix. Played by Liam McIntyre
  • Kait Diaz (right): A survivalist who, according to Game Informer, was "raised outside of the walled city-states protecting most of humanity." Played by Laura Bailey.
  • Delmont "Del" Walker (left): An ex-COG soldier and longtime friend of JD. Played by Eugene Byrd.

This month's Game Informer will also include a 14-page cover story with more details about the game and its voice actors.

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Now Playing: GS News Update: Gears of War 4 Cast Revealed

Gear of War 4 is set to launch sometime later this year. And if you played Gears of War Ultimate Edition on your Xbox Live account sometime before March 1, you're already guaranteed "early access" to the Gears 4 beta when it launches.

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