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Mindscape Does Good

Mindscape Sports Advantage will host Jackie Robinson Day in San Francisco this weekend.


Mindscape Sports Advantage (MSA) will host Jackie Robinson Day at 3Com Park in San Francisco this weekend. The day is a celebration of the 50th anniversary of the year that Robinson became the first black player in the major leagues, and it will feature a pregame ceremony to retire his uniform. Mindscape plans to donate US$250 to the Jackie Robinson Foundation for every stolen base and home run during the Giants vs. Braves game that afternoon.

The event will also help Mindscape publicize and demonstrate its new game, Aaron vs. Ruth: Battle of the Big Bats - a title that features the biggest names and match-ups in the history of the game. Hank Aaron has worked with Mindscape for two years developing the game, which features over 30 Hall of Famers, and eight other players with over 500 career home runs. The PC game will be available on June 30.

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