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Watch GameSpot's new weekly live show and go behind-the-scenes

Catch up on everything you missed from the inaugural episode of GameSpot's spiritual successor to On the Spot, The Lobby. And get an exclusive look behind-the-scenes of our live show in action.

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Did you miss our new weekly live show The Lobby today? Well fear not, because the entire episode of our spiritual successor to On the Spot can be found in the video player above! And you might not be able to take part in the show's console giveaway, but there's still time to get in on the Elder Scrolls Online Beta giveaway right here as well!

If you'd prefer to relive individual segments or you don't have time to watch the entire thing, we have the show parceled out into easy-to-watch snippets right here:

Don't miss out next week. The Lobby airs live every Tuesday at 2PM PST with a wide-range of segments covering every facet of gaming.

And check out the pictures below for a behind-the-scenes look at the show in action!

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