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The Return of Zero Divide

Zoom's sequel to the early PlayStation robot fighter Zero Divide shipped in Japan late last week; they call it Zero Divide 2: The Secret Wish.


The game's eight original characters (Zero, Cygnus, Wild3, EOS, Draco, IO, Tau, and Nereid) return for another tournament of 3-D polygonal fighting, this time joined by the crab-like Cancer, virtual boy Nox, and female robot boss character, Pixel. The game runs at 60 frames per second within a variety of walled or animated 3-D backgrounds.

The original Zero Divide was published for the PlayStation by Time Warner Interactive, now a division of Midway Games. So far, no company has announced plans to publish it in the US. Expect a full review of the game on VGS soon, but in the meantime, check out the following screenshots and QuickTime video.

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