Awful Game

User Rating: 2 | Dead Island 2 XONE

The game is terrible. It's mostly filled with cut scenes and random tasks that only serve to make it feel like the story is longer than it really is. There are missions where you are just shown an area and are expected to scour around for random items that have no bearing on what is happening besides getting beyond a certain spot. That's not unique to this game, but having to "inspect" some sort of beauty product just to progress is a complete waste of time. Not to mention, it seems like they locked out certain things to inspect until after you have inspected the others. You basically scavenge a room and know it's clear, only for the ability to pick up some other piece of crap appear after you have picked up other pieces of crap.

The characters only differ in minor abilities and their dialogue. A complete downgrade from Dead Island where you could pick a character to have a specific ability. Your "special" isn't all that special and it's rarely used. I completed the game at level 23 (of 30, apparently) and used "Fury" about a dozen times in total. You are constantly trying to solve the same puzzle over and over again. Place a battery here, turn off this gas valve, or balance the water pressure. Lots of locked doors or safes for which the key is never found. I guess some of this is based on time of day, but I have no idea because it wasn't ever really explained.

Honestly, without the cut scenes and random "Honey Do" tasks, this is like a 6 hour game of killing the same enemies over and over again. I wasn't even able to collect enough of certain supplies to fully utilize the workbench. The card system sucks as it doesn't even provide meter adjustments to see what you are giving up in order to gain some additional ability.

I played co-op with a friend and after completing the main mission he didn't receive the end reward (nice touch there) of getting a legendary weapon. He got the achievement of doing so, but didn't actually get the weapon. I really didn't plan on playing again and asked him if he wanted it (not even sure you can trade or drop) and he just said, "no, I'm not playing this again".

The game is awful. If I could get my $70 back, I would gladly do so. I don't think I have played a worse game in years. The last time I was this disappointed was probably Mech Assault 2 and that was almost 20 years ago. This game is that bad. Do not buy it.