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Working Designs Goes Retro

Saturn gamers have something to celebrate, as Working Designs' new Spaz label brings Sega arcade hits home.


The second title coming from Working Designs' Spaz label has been revealed. Saturn fans who hoped that the company would announce a new title for their system are in luck.

In Japan, Sega released some of their older, more popular arcade games for the Saturn, under the moniker of the Sega Ages collection. Each disc was priced at $40 a piece, and only had one game per disc. This was a pricey proposition for gamers who were hardcore fans of all of Sega's arcade hits.

Now, Working Designs has picked up the rights to three of Sega's "Ages" games - Space Harrier, After Burner II and Out Run. All three of the games will be released on one disc in the US in mid-June under WD's Spaz brand label. For an MSRP of $39.95, Saturn gamers can own arcade perfect ports of three of Sega's biggest coin-op hits for the price that Japanese gamers were paying for one.

The games utilize Sega's Saturn peripherals to the fullest. Out Run can be used with the steering wheel, analog controller, and the standard Saturn pad; Space Harrier and After Burner can be used with the Sega Mission Stick, analog pad, or standard Saturn pad.

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