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Sink Your Teeth Into This

Fox Interactive gears up to release Argonaut's fantastic 3-D action game, Croc.


Fox Interactive and Argonaut came by the EGM and EGM2 offices today to show off their latest PlayStation, Saturn, and Win 95 title, Croc. We were able to check out the PlayStation version of the game, and the screens that you see here are only a few areas of the game. Fox is planning to release the title in late September.

The story is this: Croc must rescue his friends, little Gobbos, from the evil magician Baron Dante. Croc travels through different islands, each with their own unique challenge - desert, ice, or forest - until he reaches the final battle at the Castle Island of Baron Dante. The game features more than 40 levels with 200 individual game arenas.

Croc is unique. A game of this kind has only been done previously on the N64, with Mario 64. Croc is entirely in 3-D, and the textures and graphics look similar to that "N64 style." The animation is very smooth, and there's almost no polygon clipping.

We'll have more on Croc as it develops.

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