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Nintendo of Australia Lowers N64 Price

And throws in a free game as well. Who do they think they are…Sega?


Down under, life is sweet. The Nintendo 64 launched in that country at the beginning of March with a retail price of AUS$400 (approx US$310), but beginning May 1 the price was lowered to AUS$299.95 (approx. $230). For those gamers who purchased the machine at its higher initial price, a free N64 game of their choice awaits them. All that's required is a call to Nintendo's Melbourne office. After the telephone request is made, the buyer merely sends or faxes the office a sales receipt for the console purchase and waits for the arrival by post of the requested game.

Currently, the N64 has an installed base of 45,000. Nintendo expects that by December of 1997, they will have sold 200,000 systems there.

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