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IDSA Sees Boom Times Ahead

A surge in first quarter software sales for computers and video game consoles appears to signal good times for the interactive entertainment industry.


Using the NPD Group's previously released software sales numbers, the Interactive Digital Software Association came out with a report today analyzing the current state of the interactive entertainment software market and trends. The report is a compilation of years of research and data, including interviews with the industry's top CEOs. The results paint a picture of huge growth for the gaming industry.

The report found that console and PC sales have grown substantially, despite some industry rumblings that have forecast the demise of console gaming. That corner, it seems, has yet to be turned. Currently, console software sales are just as strong as PC software sales. The report indicates that most top executives are remaining cautious about predictions about online gaming.

The market for interactive entertainment software is also broadening: 72 percent of those running games on their PCs are over 18, compared to the 42 percent of over-18s that play on console systems; 40 percent of those running PC entertainment software over the age of 18 are female, and 27 percent of those over-18 console players are female.

The IDSA will put on the Electronic Entertainment Expo (E3) in June, which showcase new software titles for consoles and PCs.

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