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Hasbro Interactive Announces H.E.D.Z.

Hasbro Interactive's H.E.D.Z. (Head Extreme Destruction Zone) PC title will also be coming out for the PlayStation.


Hasbro Interactive has announced that their H.E.D.Z. (Head Extreme Destruction Zone) PC CD-ROM game will also be coming out for the PlayStation by first quarter next year.

The game revolves around the premise of an alien race having found it possible to gain other people's abilities by cutting off their heads and using them for their own. In the new title, this power sports tournament-like event. Each player comes equipped with five different heads (from an initial selection of ten), each with its own specific power - varying from flight, missile, or ship attacks. The goal is to collect all your opponents' heads and place them into your own collection for future use.

With a total of 225 varying and fairly humorous heads in all to choose from, the title's gameplay changes radically depending on the combination of the moment. The perspective of H.E.D.Z. can perhaps be best described a hunt within a miniature Super Mario 64-like environment.

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