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Gaming Deals: Target B2G1 Free on All Games and Halloween Steam Sale

Are you going to buy now, or wait for the end of the month?


We still have a month until Black Friday, but the big gaming deals seem to be coming early. From Twitter user Wario64 we've recently seen postings for deals slated to go up on Best Buy and Target starting November 9.

Target will reportedly offer a "buy two, get one free" offer on all games for the week of November 9.

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Meanwhile, Best Buy will offer a "buy one, get on 50% off" for all 3DS games.

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On the PC side, Steam, is currently holding a Halloween-themed sale full of deals on zombie, monsters, and other horror themed games. You can check out the full page here, which includes a LOT of games but a few highlights include:

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Overall, it's a good time for deals, and we haven't even gotten into the crazy pre-, during-, and post-Black Friday period! Keep in mind that you can also pick up an Xbox One starting from November 2 to December 31 for $250 or a PS4 for $275 from now until November 9 (when you trade-in a PS3).

Anything you're planning to pick up?

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