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Dragon Age and Rayman Discounted in Xbox One/360 Weekly Deals

Catch up on the Dragon Age series for less than $10 total.

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This week's Deals With Gold discounts are now live. While there aren't many games included, there are some very nice deals to be had on Xbox One and Xbox 360.

The Xbox One side, as usual, is more limited. You can get one of the best platformers in recent memory (not to mention one of the most gorgeous), Rayman Legends, for just $24, while run-the-hell-away horror game Outlast is down to $15, as is Worms Battlegrounds.

On Xbox 360, you can catch up on the Dragon Age series for less than $10 total: Dragon Age: Origins is less than $4 and Dragon Age II is $5. If you're in the mood for a different sort of RPG, Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning is about $6.50; don't let the 38 Studios mess stop you from playing a pretty good game--especially for the price.

The full list of deals follows below. You'll need an Xbox Live Gold subscription to receive the discounted prices.

Xbox One:

Xbox 360:

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